
Be Careful What You Wish For

In Dating on August 16, 2011 at 3:34 pm

I’ve recently run into a snag in my well-tailored existence.

(I’m going to give all of you fair warning.  Before you inundate my feed with dozens of angry comments, I want you to know that I understand that the following is a “first world” problem, which is to say, for many of you, not a problem at all.  So if your sole intention is to read this post and then immediately type “I wish I had THOSE kind of problems.  #jackass” let me save you the trouble:  I get it).

That being said, here goes:

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been seeing a girl.  I like her.  I liker her a lot.  And she knows that.  And since she isn’t some dumb bottle blonde bar star, she’s okay with that.  Hell, I think she even likes me a little (okay, a lot).

But there’s a problem.

M-‘s reputation has proceeded itself.

She’s wary of me.  Or, as she put it, “I’m wary of how suave you are.”  She’s pretty sure I have a different girl for every day of the week, and that, if by some slim chance I don’t, I could easily acquire one.  She hates to think of herself as just another one of M- girls.

But here’s the thing, dear readers…

She’s not.

First and foremost because, like it or not, I care about her.  More so than usual.  Like, sent-her-flowers-at-work more so than usual.

I know, I know.

But she is determined to prove I’m a “player,” and her friends, without so much as even meeting me, have told her the same (one said “he’s a male model, you’d better watch out”).

And then, to top it all off, after I thought I’d finally managed to gain a little of her trust,  someone told her they saw me at the bar this weekend making out with another girl, whom, it was hinted, I may have left with.

False, false, false.

Was I at said bar?  Yes.  I went with my roommate and his boss.  We got drunk on cheap beer and whiskey and talked about film.  And then I went home.   With my roommate. Who, I might mention, is a dude.


I told her that if this friend of hers was female, she was either A) drunk or B) crazy, and if this friend of hers was male (like, say, an ex-boyfriend), well…


Luckily, I managed to convince her otherwise.  I think.  I hope.

The worse thing about all this?

I don’t even get to enjoy any of the fun stuff I’m accused of doing.



  1. oh my brother… i am of the mind that if I must be accused, then i must do something to deserve the efforts of another person’s thoughts… you could simply call an ex girl and remind her what she’s missing or you could simply go do all of those things she’s accusing you of…
    Drama- needless banter for the sake of creating a situation from nothingness….some girls have the girft and some guys have the curse of knowing those girls… argh my brother… big love from the islands to you!


  2. […] subject of last week’s post, “Be Careful What You Wish For” which you can read here).  As I mentioned in that post, I like this girl.  I like her a lot.  She recently left for a […]

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